Class Dates: Feb 14, 21 and 28 1-2:30 EST
Explore ways to support and love children, youth and young adults who are Trans*. The class will meet via Zoom online meeting platform, with an option for extended conversation via private Facebook group.
Three sessions. Week one: Trans* 101 and sharing stories. Week two–two groups, one for families, one for religious professionals: Families process the grief of losing the child you thought you had and joy in finding the child you now have. Religious professionals learn practical things to do in congregations to support families and explore the complex emotional process through which families with Trans* offspring travel. Week three: practical resources and tools to offer support.
Intended for:
Minimum of 8 participants, maximum of 22 (family and staff groups are encouraged to attend, one computer counts as one seat)
Cost $100 (pay more if you can, less if you can’t, funding goes to support our CLF instructors and our ministry)
Deadline for registration: Feb 1st.
Can you give $5 or more to sustain the ministries of the Church of the Larger Fellowship?
If preferred, you can text amount to give to 84-321
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.