Join us for a bi-weekly writing course over 3 months with a professional poetry therapist, Nessa McCasey (who is also a Unitarian Universalist and member of CLF). We will be following the CLF themes each month for our writing, in order to allow us to dig into each topic more deeply. Nessa gently coaxes our writing selves to reveal the wisdom we each harbor within. Because she builds community through positive feedback of each person’s writing, the group feels comfortable sharing meaningful and often insightful comments with each other. We do not analyze writings as one might do in a college course. Instead, we explore, ponder, find meaning for ourselves, play with words, and spiritually wander through wonder. Any level of writer is welcome to join this creative exploration that is designed to nurtures the soul. Poetic prompts and creative starters will be offered to help face the blank page each session and writers are able to veer in their own direction as desired.
Learn more about Whispering Winds: Writing to Explore Your Inner Wisdom.