What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology
A Tapestry of Faith Program created by the Rev. Dr. Thandeka
The What Moves Us program peels back the doctrine-rich theological language that can prevents us from affirming our faith experiences with one another and in the wider world. Through shared direct experiences and reflection exercises, readings and lessons, and ethical deliberations, What Moves Us creates an adult faith journey for Unitarian Universalists who want to preach and teach what they already experience but have not been able to articulate: the spiritual power of our faith.
What Moves Us consists of ten, 90-minute workshops that can be extended to two hours. The facilitator will begin each workshop with a simple story of a Unitarian, Universalist, or Unitarian Universalist forebear, naming the emotion—the change of heart—that moved them to new theological understanding in their liberal religious faith.
This class will be taught as two cumulative 5- week sessions through bimonthly, Zoom video conferences led by CLF Learning Fellow Sarah Prickett. There will be a supplemental Facebook page for discussion between classes and where class readings will be posted.
Learn more about What Moves Us: Unitarian Universalist Theology.