We love hearing from members and friends of the Church of the Larger Fellowship about what our church community and the wider world of Unitarian Universalism mean to them. The following page includes testimonials from members and friends of the CLF.
“My name is Michael. I have been incarcerated for eleven years. I was raised in the South. Very fire and brimstone stuff. No acceptance. Six years ago I found the CLF’s address and completed your New UU course. It was the first time I questioned what I believed in and why. It changed my life and showed me to love people in a way that I had previously not known was possible.
Your letters and publications are filled with such love and acceptance, it brings joy to my heart. It has allowed me to stop some prejudices that I was brought up in. I try to share true love with everyone around me. You are great examples and inspirations. I know I am only one voice, and it may not seem like much, but this one voice spreads the value of Unitarian Universalism to everyone he meets. I hope this is your goal. I can honestly say that I would not be in the spiritual state I am in without your ministry. From my heart and soul, thank you.”
— Michael, incarcerated CLF member
“I feel more connected to the wider world of Unitarian Universalism through the CLF.
Belonging is an emotional value for me and the CLF fulfills that portion of my spiritual need.”— Ira Lerner, free world CLF member
“Of all my formative experiences, none have shown me a clearer vision of possibility as my internship at the Church of the Larger Fellowship. Covenantal relationship is at the heart of UU faith, and the CLF offers a radical interpretation of that message. Not only are we to be in relationship with the people near us, but we have an ability and obligation that is greater than that, that spans the globe and connects people with similar work and similar aspirations. As an intern at the CLF, I experienced church without a building or primary worship gathering to hold its center, where the essence of religious community was laid bare: A church is not just the gathered body; it is also the spider-webbing networks of relationship and being that hum around the clock, woven into the fabric of our lives.”
— Sarah Prickett, former CLF Learning Fellow
Tags: quest-magazine-2023-07, seeker“The CLF is one big, strong, beautiful, spiritual family, full of loving people from all walks of life. It’s a place where you won’t be judged from your race, gender, or sexuality. I humbly respect all members of the CLF, especially those of you that are in staff positions, because it is you all who are holding it all together. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for being loving. Thank you for being here for me in my time of need. Because of you all, I feel blessed every day I wake up. I’ll be a member of the CLF for all of my life.”
— George, incarcerated CLF member
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210