Recently a Young Adult Unitarian Universalist I know asked me “I know Love is at the center of our faith but how the hell am I supposed to love my oppressor?!” This is such a good question. As we embark on a new year with the knowledge a genocide is happening on one hand and constant consumer messaging on the other, how do we center Love?
To be clear, there are as many different kinds of love as there are grains of sand on a beach. Family love, friend love, partner love, pet love, etc. But when we talk about Love being at the center of our faith, the most relevant love is called Agape Love. Agape Love is known for its qualities of empathy and sacrifice. It wants the best for everyone and is intended for everyone. In the Christian faith, from which both Unitarianism and Universalism was born, it is the love God extends to us and the reciprocal love we extend to God. That love includes all things and all people. It is a covenant of unending care.
What Agape Love is not is absolution. It does not mean that we do not hold each other accountable for wrongs. It does not mean we do not name a genocide as a genocide. It does not even mean we have to like one another. We can go so far as to hate someone and still find Agape Love for them. This is because even in our hatred we still must see the humanity in the other person. Even if they have acted in inhumane ways, Agape Love, our UU Love, calls us to uphold their worth and dignity as we hold them accountable for the terrors they have committed. See the difference there, we can hold people accountable and uphold their humanity. We can Love them.
So after I got through that mini sermon, of course this UU had more to say! Here’s a replay of the rest of our conversation:
young adult: So I can tell them I love them even if I hate them…that seems hypocritical.
me: Why are you even talking to them if you hate them?!! If they’ve done something so terrible to you, why are you allowing them into your life?
young adult: Well you just said I have to affirm their humanity, don’t I have to engage with them to do that?
me: Goddess no! Agape Love says that you affirm their humanity, it doesn’t say that you are solely responsible for that.
young adult: So I can hate them and love them, just from a distance?
me: Yes, set a boundary. Make sure that their access to you is exactly as much or as little or as none as you want. There is no need to take care of your oppressor or abuser. Agape love means that when they are held accountable for their actions, it is done by someone else and it done while keeping their humanity intact.
young adult: Well what about revenge, what if I want them to suffer?
me: Ah, that’s really getting to the crux of it all isn’t it? It’s not about not wanting to love them or not. It’s that we want them to feel what we felt, suffer the way we’ve suffered. And we know that if we’re called to Love them, we can’t allow them to suffer. Even if we have. Even if we have at their hands. That’s really what this conversation is about isn’t it?
young adult: Well, yeah.
me: Will their suffering heal you? Will it make the world a better place? Will it in any way change what happened in the past?
young adult: No but…is this like the time you told me that hate is like drinking poison hoping that the other person will die?
me: Do you think it’s like that?
young adult: Hmmm, maybe. I’m gonna have to think about it.
me: Absolutely, that’s part of our faith too! And if you can, please let me know what you come up with because that’s how I learn and grow as a Unitarian Universalist too.
So beloveds, there it is. Let me know what you think so we can learn and grow together.
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210