Listen to sermons, poetry, reflections, prayers and meditations from Quest Monthly, a highly regarded Unitarian Universalist publication of the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
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Pity the poor dandelion. It is, in many ways, nature’s perfect plant. Read more →
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Thanks and Praise is is exactly what we have for all of our wonderful CLF members and supporters who contribute so that CLF can be there for religious liberals around the world. Read more →
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Alice Walker has been in the media in some pretty awful ways, but I still think her book, The Color Purple, is one of the most extraordinary theological texts I’ve ever read. Read more →
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At the beginning of his book of poetry, Praise, Robert Hass writes: Read more →
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From the CLF Nominating Committee: Cathy Chang, Jordinn Nelson Long, Diana Smith, Aisha Ansano
The CLF’s Nominating Committee seeks members to run for positions beginning June 2020: Read more →
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You can listen to audio recordings of Quest Monthly, read back issues or get electronic versions of the text to share with friends (and much more) at Read more →
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Praise the sun, the moon, the stars,
Praise the ant, the tree, the shining leaf.
Praise every child large and small,
Praise the one within us all.
Praise the swimmers, crawlers, and creepers.
Praise the flower and the winding weed,
Praise each blade of grass and every dewdrop.
Praise dark moist earth.
Praise rock, sand, and shoal. Praise wind—nature’s breath.
Praise those with fin, fur, and finger, Praise the winged ones, the tiny ones,
and all the ones that live unseen.
Praise brightest morning and darkest night. Praise the prickly and the unpopular.
Praise the crow’s cry and the beggar’s sigh.
Praise the dancers, the doers and the dreamers.
Praise those that give, those who love,
and those who heal.
Praise to wanderers, weavers and seekers.
Praise sounds of thunder, crashing waves,
and shouts for justice. Praise silence.
Praise spirit. Praise all colors.
Praise all acts of compassion.
Praise all. Praise all. Praise all.
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This month we are taking on the gnarly topic of sacrifice. It is a concept that makes many of us uncomfortable, distrustful and a little bit surly, and rightly so. Read more →
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Sacrifice is a powerful, ancient, evocative word that conjures images of animals slaughtered in rituals to bind a community together in a celebratory feast for a long-awaited harvest after a drought. Read more →
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I have learned about faithfulness and sacrifice as a result of a very strange journey I have been on since I inadvertently found some of the men who were in Vietnam with my older brother, 2nd Lt. Robert M. Christian Jr., “Bobby” to me, who was killed on April 11, 1969. Read more →
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210