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Carol our Christmas, an upside down Christmas:
snow is not falling and trees are not bare.
Carol the summer and welcome the Christ Child,
warm in our sunshine and sweetness of air. Read more →
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I’ve spent a lot of time in waiting rooms in my life. Waiting for doctors, waiting for dentists, waiting for my tires to be rotated. Waiting for my airplane to board, waiting for my table at the restaurant, waiting for my number to come up at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Waiting.
Sometimes only for a few seconds, sometimes for an interminably long time, to hear: “The doctor will see you now.”
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You’re standing there in the cold, waiting for the bus to come, and every minute feels like an hour. You’re waiting for the phone call that will give you the results of a medical test, and the more you try not to think about it, the more your pulse races in fear. You’re waiting for your birthday to come, or for the start of vacation, and the anticipation is half pleasure and half agony.
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The wet air curls against me as I sit in the boat without seeing through the fog. I’m without my bearings, lost between the elements of air and water. It happens this way, that sometimes, when a person sits on a boat surrounded by water and fog so thick, so deep, there is a dizziness.
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The very first prayer I ever learned as a child was a bedtime prayer, taught to me by my grandmother. It went like this: “God bless me and keep me a good boy, and spare me for a good end. Amen.” Read more →
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An immigrant from Russia was explaining to his children and grandchildren about life in the Old Country, and told a story about his father. One winter’s day, his father was away from home with his horse and sleigh, and a terrible blizzard began. Read more →
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I am still asking myself the question: Do I pray? I believe that the answer is, “I am learning how.”
I laughed when a talk show host recently asked a little girl performing back flips on her show, “How did you ever learn to do all of that?!” and the girl responded, out of breath, “Practice.”
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Prayer is a truly powerful thing, and represents our spiritual connection with the Creator.
Prayer is our time to give thanks for the blessings we have been given and to ask for help for those in need. Prayer is one of the most important aspects of our lives, and, unfortunately, it is one aspect we often neglect.
The Church of the Larger Fellowship Nominating Committee seeks CLF members to run for positions on the Board of Directors beginning June 2013.
Can you give $5 or more to sustain the ministries of the Church of the Larger Fellowship?
If preferred, you can text amount to give to 84-321
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210
Love That Saves Lives: Support the CLF Worthy Now Prison Ministry |