CLF Member, incarcerated in AZ
To find a gathering of like minded souls
Makes me feel at home, I am now whole Read more →
The Daily Compass is a ministry of the Church of the Larger Fellowship crafted by Rev. Michael Tino of the Lead Ministry Team. Read more →
Lead Ministry Team, Church of the Larger Fellowship
If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations. Read more →
November 2021
Let peace begin with you. Let peace begin in your heart. Find your center, a little bit at a time. —Rev. Dr. Michael Tino
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I love the phrase “praying with our feet.” It often comes to mind for me in protests at the Texas Capitol, when I wait in line to vote, and perhaps most especially every Friday, when I lead my Zumba class, where we pray with our arms, our hips, our everything. Read more →
CLF Member, incarcerated in MA
Little things, big things, anything; people pray for them. From the mundane, like to perhaps hit the lottery, to the serious, like for someone’s life. (Though perhaps, for some, winning the lottery isn’t mundane at all, but a serious need.) Read more →
CLF member, incarcerated in FL
Quiet as kept, be slow to speak
The tongue of death is death indeed
Let temperance and virtue be thy speech
Consider silence and still thy feet
Be thou fearless, feel not dismay
For thou art spirit to what is pain
Deep meditation shall make things clear
The weapons of war that thou should fear
Speak no lies, be not the fool
Boomerangs of deception bareth dark rile
If a word be uttered, let freedom reign
Sever the yoke and break every chain
If I be bound, may they be free
If I face danger, let them have peace
If I must die, let them live
Return I shall and with them sing
Divine decrees establish the link
Of things unseen, oh what of faith
This body clad of clay and dust
But I am greater, the creator’s touch
Infused in soil, the morning star
A living soul, the lawful heart
Ponder the path thy foot is upon
Consider the workings thy hands have wrought
Be thou calm in every endeavor
And radiant as the sun
Forever-ever, forever and ever
I and my father are one
CLF members, incarcerated in TX
Looking at the night sky,
Staring at the galaxy,
Watching the Milky Way swirl. Read more →
CLF member, incarcerated in NY
Written in response to “End” by Charlie, May 2020
All things end.
It’s people who refuse
to accept it.
We hold on with a death grip to avoid the inevitable.
Nature knows that to live all must also die,
to make room.
So is it really the “end”?
The sun still shines,
The rain still falls,
Grass and flowers and trees still grow.
And we all do what we can
in the time we’ve been given To do the best we can
To make our being here worthwhile
Before our “end.”
We rely heavily on donations to help steward the CLF, this support allows us to provide a spiritual home for folks that need it. We invite you to support the CLF mission, helping us center love in all that we do.
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Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.