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I have been lying awake in the dark a lot lately. I lie there, really hoping to go back to sleep, wishing there was some way to forget what I know. But the darkness keeps calling me. Read more →
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Our CLF community around the world is full of “resistors” and “capacitors”: people committed to resisting injustice and people committed to increasing the capacity of individuals and communities to respond with compassion and love in a difficult world. Read more →
Podcast: Download (Duration: 9:11 — 8.4MB)
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While we tend to think of the Three Wise Men as part of the Christmas story, Epiphany—a holiday honoring the visitation of the Magi—is celebrated in January. Read more →
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One of the most powerful images I have encountered to describe the symbolic location of the prophet is Richard Rohr’s concept of living on the outside edge of the inside. Read more →
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There are many ways to resist. Some folks are in the streets or other strategic places, engaged in direct actions to shut down oppressive systems, and that kind of resistance is getting a lot of attention these days—for good reason! Read more →
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One of the important ways of understanding this month’s theme of resistance is in terms of resisting injustice, or fighting back against the powers of evil, like the Resistance in the Star Wars movies. Read more →
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…that you can read blog posts from our ministers Meg and Lynn, as well as other UUs, on our website at www.clfuu.org?
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The term resistance is a highly charged word for any prisoner. Read more →
January 2018
Whenever you see a board up with “Trespassers will be prosecuted,” trespass at once. —Virginia Woolf
The natural response to seeing video or photos of an angry mob carrying torches and shouting racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay slogans is a sense of revulsion, and perhaps even panic. These are people who are the philosophical descendants of the folks who killed six million “unacceptable” people. And most of us know that we and/or people we love are amongst the unacceptable. We feel threatened, because we are threatened.
And when we feel threatened, our natural response is fight or flight. Our guts tell us to run away or to engage in combat. That’s our native, instinctual response. But you know who else is operating out of an instinctual response? These white men who feel a loss of power and privilege in our increasingly diverse society and fight back with a testosterone-filled fury against the perceived threats to their “right” to power and privilege. They are, of course, horrifically wrong, but they are going with their guts.
We need to respond, but we need to respond with the full weight of our minds and hearts and spirits as well as our guts. Read more →
Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210