*No, this post will not be commenting on the various childishness that we’ve all seen from candidates and their supporters throughout this 2016 election cycle. We’re talking about actual, chronologically-delineated children, most of whom already have an opinion about this election, no matter how little cable news they are allowed to watch. Trust me on this.
Every election season, many of us find our lives inundated with the campaign cycle and its persistent negativity and demagoguery. As Unitarians Universalists, we often struggle with how to respond to the polarization that we see in the news, on social media, in our communities and often our own families and neighborhoods. The democratic process, religious freedom, the shared inherent dignity of all, and the search for truth and meaning, as well as many other values, shape not only our views, but how we choose to live in the world and how we treat others. Read more →