The VUU is a weekly Unitarian Universalist talk show hosted by the Church of the Larger Fellowship Lead Ministry Team: Aisha Hauser, Christina Rivera, and Rev. Dr. Michael Tino. As well as guest hosts Rev. DC Fortune, and Janine Gelsinger. Every Thursday for the past 9 years, The VUU has welcomed guests from every corner of the world. Guests on The VUU are scholars, writers, activists, and religious thought-leaders who are shaping Unitarian Universalism and society for the 21st century and beyond.
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Join our hosts Aisha Hauser, Christina Rivera and Rev Michael Tino, and guest host, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (May 16th), The UUMA Executive Team members, Janette Lanier, Rev. Melissa Carvill and Rev Darrick Jackson, chatted with us on What’s New with the UUMA and What’s Next – The VUU #261
Janette Lallier is the Director of Operations and member of Executive Team, Pro Tem for the UUMA. She works from her home office in NYC where, in addition to her work for the UUMA, she pursues a career as an opera singer. She enjoys finding new ways to include exercise in daily life – bike outings on the NYC Greenway currently top the list!!
Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer is currently the Director of Collegial Practice and member of Executive Team, Pro Tem for the UUMA and Minister Affiliated with First Parish, in Northfield, MA. Melissa was initially drawn to ministry with the UUMA by her interest in supporting ministerial formation through the new Ministerial Formation Network. In less than three years she has had three job titles as the UUMA has found itself in a period of organizational change. Melissa came to the UUMA from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, OH where she served as the settled minister for over eleven years. Melissa is married to Rev. Evin Carvill Ziemer (who serves on the UUA’s Congregational Life staff) and they live with their two young children and two older dogs, Migo and Zoey.
The Rev. Darrick Jackson comes to the UUMA after spending 5 years as the Director of Contextual Ministry at Meadville Lombard Theological School. Prior to that, he served congregations in Monson, MA and Storrs, CT. With the UUMA, Darrick has served on the CENTER Committee and is a contributor to Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity and Power in Ministry. He has been involved denominationally with DRUUMM and the UUA Nominating Committee. He is also the treasurer and Workshop Leader for Healing Moments (a ministry for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s). Darrick likes to knit and to be involved in theatre. He lives in Chicago with his husband, Rev. James Olson (a United Church of Christ minister) and their two cats, Merlin and Morgana.
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 53:39 — 73.7MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Aisha Hauser, Christina Rivera, and Rev Michael Tino for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (May 9th), DeReau Farrar chatted with us on UU Music, Part II – The VUU #260DeReau K. Farrar is director of music at First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon, and a member of the board and conference planning committee of the Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network. Before moving to Portland in 2016, he served UU congregations in Santa Monica and Los Angeles, California, led an interfaith community gospel choir, and worked as a freelance music director, vocal contractor, consultant, and arranger. He worked on HBO’s All the Way (2016) and Jordan Peele’s Get Out (2017).
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:28 — 81.7MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Aisha Hauser, Christina Rivera, and Rev Michael Tino for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (May 2nd): Matthew Johnson, Rev Kim D Wilson, Paul Langston-Daley, Jonalu Johnstone Christana Wille McKnight and Wendy Williams chatted with us on What’s New with UUMA Accountability – The VUU #259
Wilson is the chair of the Ethics Guidelines Committee. Langston-Daley is the chair of the Accountability team. McKnight is the UUMA Board Liaison. Johnstone and Johnson are of the members of the Accountability team. Wendy Williams is the UUMA President Designate
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:53 — 82.3MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Aisha Hauser, Christina Rivera, and Rev Michael Tino for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (April 25th): Julie Taylor and Karen Hutt talked about what’s new and what’s next with Trauma Ministry – The VUU #258
Rev. Julie Taylor, Senior Director of Contextual Ministry at Meadville Lombard, is a Unitarian Universalist community minister specializing in critical incident response, community crisis and pastoral care. Julie is an affiliate professor at Meadville Lombard and has been an adjunct professor at Starr King School for the Ministry and Eden Theological Seminary. Julie serves as a chaplain (Capt) with the New York Air National Guard and on the board of the UU Trauma Response Ministry. An ordained minister since 2001, Julie has served UU congregations in New York City and St. Louis and volunteered with multiple crisis and disaster response organizations. A sought-after speaker and teacher, Julie has contributed chapters to several books on the subject of spiritual care and crisis. Agitating, preaching, and working towards dismantling systems of White supremacy are key in Julie’s theology and work. Currently, Julie lives in St. Louis and Chicago with wife, Laurel, and their two children. (Meadville Lombard website)
The Rev. Karen Hutt is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, a credentialed Clinical Pastoral Educator, and a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently, she is the Vice President of Student Experience and Culture at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. She was a co-founder and co-pastor of Church of the Open Door, a dual-affiliated United Church of Christ/Unitarian Universalist congregation that served Chicago’s Black LGBTQ population from 1997-2005. Rev. Hutt went on to serve as a chaplain and Clinical Pastoral Educator in several large hospital systems in both Chicago and Minneapolis. She is widely regarded as one of the most innovative educators in the Clinical Pastoral Education field, and her work has been published in the Journal for Reflective Practice and Supervision.
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:24 — 80.2MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera, and guest host, Rev DC Fortune, for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (April 18th): Sara Green, UUA Youth and Young Adults of Color Ministry Associate, talked about what’s new and what’s next with this ministry – The VUU #257
Sara Green in her own words – “I am a southern, cis/queer/poly, Black femme minister living in Nashville, TN. I imagine liberation/salvation/beloved community as communities that have the ability to eat good food together, experience pleasure in our bodies and regularly put their hands in soil—all the while free from fear and violence by way of all of the cultural and legal changes that must happen in order for this world to exist. I understand myself as part of a legacy of cultural workers, healers, maroons and creoles, southern queer freedom fighters and artists trying to shape god. And I feel so blessed to be doing this work now.” (from the UUA website)
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:54 — 82.3MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Rev. Michael Tino, Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (April 11th): UU Muslims – The VUU #256
UU Muslims, Ranwa Hammamy, Sana Saeed, Paige Ingram, and Tynan Power joined The VUU hosts and spoke about their experiences as Unitarian Universalists who also identify as Muslims.
Ranwa (they/she) is the President of DRUUMM and a community minister affiliated with the Mt. Diablo UU Church in California. They serve as the Executive Director for the UU Justice Ministry of California, organizing and supporting California UUs in the work of creating a just and equitable California. She is also a co-editor of the proposed Muslim Voices in Unitarian Universalism, along with Tynan Power.
Sana is the Co-Vice President of DRUUMM. She is currently serving as a Chaplain at the University of Pennsylvania working with undergraduate and graduate students on campus. She is also the Intern Minister for the UU Ministers Association and a recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School.
Paige is a Southern and Mid-Western based Black Muslim UU troublemaker and faith-rooted organizer and abolitionist. Her calling is to nurture emergent spaces where people can authentically connect in ways that heal and totally reimagine their communities. Paige is a community organizer with Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism, fellow with the Lorde’s Werq of Southerners on New Ground, co-founder of the Half-Moon Healing House in Greensboro, NC, anti-racism trainer with Resist U, freelance facilitator, speaker, and collage artist.
Tynan Power is a transgender UU Muslim faith leader and community organizer. He was a founding member of the the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD), coordinates Transfaith’s Trans and Muslim project and founded Pioneer Valley Progressive Muslims/Masjid al-Inshirah, a progressive Muslim congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts. He has been a member of the Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence since 2004.
Power also is a writer and editor, whose work has appeared in the Washington Post, The Rainbow Times, The Good Men Project, and in the anthologies Progressive Muslim Voices: Personal Stories from the U.S. and Canada and All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim.
Production support provided by Margalie Belizaire.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 55:53 — 76.7MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Rev. Michael Tino, Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera and guest host, DC Fortune, for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (April 4th): 2019 Search Experience – The VUU #255
UUA Transition Director, Keith Kron, joined The VUU to discuss what this year’s search process has been like for UU ministers and congregations.
Production support provided by Jessica Star Rockers.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:06 — 81.2MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Rev. Michael Tino, Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
On The VUU this Week (March 28th): Finding Our Way Home – The VUU #254
Hosts Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera (and others) shared their thoughts on Finding Our Way Home and discussed ways to support UU Religious Professionals of Color.
Production support provided by Jessica Star Rockers.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:00:59 — 83.7MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Rev. Michael Tino, Aisha Hauser and Christina Rivera for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
THIS WEEK (March 21st) ON THE VUU – TRUUsT-What’s New What’s Next – The VUU #253
We chatted with TRUUsT members, Rev Andrée Mol and Rev DC Fortune about what’s new and what’s next.
Rev Andrée Mol (pronouns: they/them/theirs) serves as the Developmental Minister for Pastoral Care and Membership at the First UU Society of Burlington, Vermont. They also serve on the Steering Committee of TRUUsT.
Rev. DC Fortune is a genderqueer transmasculine UU minister serving the UU Congregation of the South Jersey Shore in Galloway, NJ. They graduated from Andover Newton Theological School with an MDiv. and are firmly committed to never pursuing a DMin. They have a fierce geriatric dog named Quinn and two adolescent cats who break things. They are also a guest host on The VUU.
The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET. We talk social justice, Unitarian Universalism, religion, spirituality, and whatever else is topical and interesting!
Production support provided by Jessica Star Rockers.
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:01:52 — 85.0MB)
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Join our hosts Rev. Meg Riley, Rev. Michael Tino, and guest host Rev DC Fortune for a live Unitarian Universalist talk show discussing today’s topics from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive and multicultural perspective. The VUU streams live on Facebook every Thursday at 11 am ET.
THIS WEEK (March 14th) ON THE VUU – After the Protests Are Heard – The VUU #252
We chatted with Dr. Sharon Welch for a discussion on her newly published book, “After the Protests Are Heard.”
Dr. Welch is a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Humanist Studies and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network. She served as Provost and Professor of Religion and Society at Meadville Lombard for over ten years.
She has held positions as Professor, Chair and Senior Fellow at the University of Missouri. She was assistant and then associate professor at Harvard Divinity.
Dr. Welch is the author of six books: After the Protests Are Heard: Enacting Civic Engagement and Social Transformation, Real Peace, Real Security: The Challenges of Global Citizenship, After Empire: The Art and Ethos of Enduring Peace, A Feminist Ethic of Risk, Sweet Dreams in America: Making Ethics and Spirituality Work, and Communities of Resistance and Solidarity. Dr. Welch is also a regular contributor to Tikkun magazine and is the author of many articles. (From Meadville Lombard Theological School website)
The VUU is brought to you by the Church of the Larger Fellowship.
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