This song expresses well the faith you will find in our worship services—a conviction that every person is welcome, no matter where on their spiritual journey they might be. As a global spiritual community, we know that what is sacred cannot be contained by walls or words.
We are a community of thousands of people from around the world, with a variety of life situations and circumstances. We come here because we value companionship on our journey which is non-judgmental, curious, respectful, engaged.
We come here speaking and seeking many languages of meaning—Christian and atheist, Buddhist and Jewish, Muslim and Hindu and agnostic. We are spiritual but not religious. We come here as faithful members of religious congregations, and people who only cross those thresholds for wedding and funerals.
We come here with diverse identities—from many cultures, genders, races, sexual orientations, nationalities, faith perspectives, affiliations, identities, ages and abilities.
We come here with shared values—values of love, acceptance, diversity, justice, spiritual growth, the worth and dignity of all. We come to experience our interdependence, to touch strength together that we cannot find alone.
Whoever you are, whatever your story, we bid you welcome. We hope that this online spiritual community will be a home for you in the tough moments of your life, times when you want to celebrate life’s blessings, and when it’s just another Tuesday afternoon crawling by. Welcome.
Video Credits: Hymn #188 in Singing the Living Tradition sung by the Oakland Chancel Choir. Words adapted from Rumi; melody by Lynn Ungar. Many thanks.
Where did it all come from? What is evil and why does it exist? What do I owe to other people? Quest for Meaning is all about engaging with the big questions of life. Throughout this site, such as our Quest monthly articles on a particular spiritual theme, worship services, classes, blog posts, etc. we bring you resources to help in exploring those really big questions that touch us all. Read more »
While all people are, of course, welcome here, time has shown that folks who hold certain beliefs will ultimately be uncomfortable and leave. To make it easy on you, we have named some of those beliefs which, if you hold them, may well mean that you won’t like it here. Read more »
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Quest for Meaning is a program of the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF).
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary, the CLF creates global spiritual community, rooted in profound love, which cultivates wonder, imagination, and the courage to act.
Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist (CLFUU)
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210
Love That Saves Lives: Support the CLF Worthy Now Prison Ministry |